Day 123 Question 123

Day 123 Question 123:

What is one of your favorite memories?

Today I was unsure of what I wanted to write about…shocking I know.  Sometimes the ideas come flying at me at about 5,000 miles per hour and sometimes I just sit waiting for something to come.  Today is one of those days I have been waiting and waiting and waiting.  I randomly started thinking about Myspace and how that whole scene went completely belly up  I then thought about the questionnaires that people use to do and share with all of their friends.  I thought it would just be fun today to answer a bunch of random questions about myself and anything else that I can think of.  I realized that all of my thoughts have been poured out into my blog but no real personal information is known about me….so I thought what the hell.  Here goes nothing…

Full Name: Diane Marie Owens

Birthdate: November 24, 1978-My mom went into labor with me on Thanksgiving night and had me the following morning.  She told my dad that they could not have turkey for Thanksgiving that year because if she went into labor that day and missed having turkey she would be pissed :0)

Marital Status: VERY MUCH SINGLE!!!!

Siblings:  I am the youngest of three girls .I have an adopted sister that will be 38 in August that I have not seen or spoken to in over 6 years (see one of the first of my blog entries if you want details) and a biological sister that will be 43 in September.

Birthplace: Malone, NY (approximately 5 miles from where the world ends…hahaha)

College: State University of New York College at Potsdam

Degree: Bachelors in English Writing in Literature with a minor in Communications.  Currently working on my Masters Degree in Psychology/Counseling Studies

Ok….now let’s get to the random questions :0)

Name one thing that you start to get tense about if you are close to running out of it: Toilet Paper—especially at the times when I know we are out of napkins and paper towels as well :0)

What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?  I have heard Uma Thurman 3-4 times (which I don’t see at all), Lisa Kudrow and Jenna Elfman (I have heard I sound just like her).

Peppermint or Spearmint: Spearmint ALL THE WAY!!!

What is your best physical feature?  My eyes or my lips-I am OBSESSED with chapstick so my lips usually look good :0)  I am not sure if they are able to naturally produce moisture anymore though.  Ha Ha!

Favorite musician(s)/bands you’ve seen in concert? Dave Matthews Band-I have seen them 3 times and they put on an AMAZING show!

Favorite Candy: Twizzlers-My friend Pam calls it old lady candy (but she will totally gnaw on some Twizzlers herself :0)

Phrase you can’t stand to hear: My Boo..i.e. Oh I can’t wait to see My Boo tonight.  Ugh it makes me cringe.  Ha Ha.

What is something that you ended up liking that surprised you?  SUSHI-BRING IT ON!!!

I could probably answer a bazillion random questions.  Do you have any more for me?  Is there anything in particular you would like to know about me?  You know I would love to know more about you….share what you will and what you feel comfortable with.  The weekend is fast approaching….hoooorrraaaayyyy!!!!!  I hope everyone has an amazing one and I look forward to hearing more about YOU!

This entry was posted in Blog, Blogging, Fun, Inspiration, Journal, Life, Love, Philosophy, random thoughts, Thoughts, Writing. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Day 123 Question 123

  1. Robert says:

    I’m a terribly introverted person, but when I was in college I auditioned to be a lead singer in a band. To this day, I don’t know what made me even try (I can’t sing at all). The guys were very nice, but they passed on me…as well they should have.

  2. jensine says:

    nice finally meeting you

  3. adauphin04 says:

    Hi, Diane! Traci Maria Ford, here. Damn glad to meet you! 🙂 Do you believe in the paranormal (ghosts, etc.)? A fellow blogger, Wendy McCance (sharingthehappiness is the name of her blog) was generous enough to start a Friday Blogger Spotlight series, in which she spotlighted me. Pls feel free to check it out for some info about me.

    Love the picture of you and your mom! I hope to be closer to my mom as we have a bit of a strained relationship.

    Th-th-th-that’s all f-f-f-for now! =)

  4. Evelyn says:

    favorite book, favorite author and favorite music!

  5. Lovely idea. Nice to meet ya 🙂

  6. I have a new found love of sushi tooo!
    It’s really tasty!

  7. golfkat says:

    So, you like to travel. Interesting in the Trans Siberian Railway next year???

  8. mikafry says:

    Thanks for sharing–it’s fun to read random facts! I also did my undergrad in English. Your area of Masters study sounds interesting. 🙂

  9. Jim Maher says:

    If Twizzlers are ‘old lady’ candy, then what is ‘young lady’ candy?

  10. granbee says:

    I have been away from your blog for awhile–so glad to be back on a day when you share so much about yourself. Hooray! And you really need to treat yourself to some good Southern cooking and the beach and come on down to GulfShores, Alabama to hear the Dave Matthews Band! I am so sorry about your adopted sister and pray for her right now.

  11. Flying my fist kite with my grandpa at 6 before being diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy ~ I’ll never forget the freedom!

  12. You, you, you? I thought it was all about me, me, me? 😉

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