About Me

My name is Diane Owens.  I am 40 years old and I started this blog years ago but unfortunately let it fall at the waist side.  Well no more of that nonsense.  Over this next year my goal is to improve my health and well being to the fullest I possibly can and I want to take all of you on the journey with me.  I want to show you the good, the bad and the ugly.  I have learned that I am the type of person that has to put it all out there to make it real.  If I want to truly do this I need to tell as many people as possible so I will HAVE to hold myself accountable.  So please join me on this journey.  Give me as much of your thoughts and opinions and share share share your wisdom.  The only thing I ask if for people to be positive.  I am not the type pf person that is going to succeed if someone shames me for the skipping the gym or eating something I shouldn’t.  I ask people to encourage me and inspire me.  I have worked with individuals with disabilities for 6 years now and 4 out of the 6 years I was an ABA therapist and the main thing I learned that positive reinforcement will almost always result in the best results…..at least for me I know this is true.  So, I ask you who are here reading to be my teachers, my support,  and my guides into trying new things.

316 Responses to About Me

  1. sirtilc42 says:

    I am glad that you found my blog, because I’m thrilled to have been reading yours! I see many similarities (and gaping differences based on my cynical nature) but this is a great read

  2. sirtilc42 says:

    Well, look at that! I’m famous! 🙂

  3. Diane!!!

    I was reading this like it was ME…. you must be the long lost twin that I have because our thoughts are too much alike……..

    Bless you my friend

  4. neurovantage says:

    Hi! I love to write as well. Lots of ideas….need to go somewhere.

  5. reneeboomer says:

    HI Diane, Thanks for popping in at my blog and the follow. I really like your blog and will be back. Have a wonderful day. 🙂

  6. wherethedaytakesme says:

    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog. Welcome to my world.

  7. paperplane says:

    Thank you for liking my most recent post on Mona Lisa. Happy writings!

  8. danita says:

    I found you! Great ! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a super day!

  9. Thanks for liking my post today on writing…I envy how freely you write…keep writing!

  10. Vicki says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog today! As I read your ‘A Look into My Life” I saw my own words reflected back to me. You are already creating a work of art!!

  11. Moved down South? Yep, it’s a LOT different. Culture shock, shell shock, call it what you will, it’s still a lot different than anywhere I’ve lived before.

    Umm…just how far South did you go? Far enough where grits are a main course with a side of frog legs or the more “normal” South?

  12. andy1076 says:

    Hi Diane, Thank you for following my blog 🙂

  13. Thanks for stopping by. Looks like some interesting stuff here. I must come back after I get my lesson plans done! 🙂

  14. meenas17 says:

    Thank you for following my blog.

  15. penman says:

    Wow, this is the nicest ‘about me’ page I’ve read so far in WP. You got away with words 🙂 Thanks for giving me the star and for following my blog. I’m following yours too. You have interesting thing here. ~penman

  16. Sarah Jordan says:

    Thanks for liking my blog 🙂

  17. 1stjoeyanna says:

    So nice to have writing in common with so many others here. I also like to press unique and crazy things I find on the net! Looking forward to following your blog!

  18. Amrita Sinha says:

    Hey Diane, Thanks for visiting my blog! Your blog is superb! The posts are also very nice 🙂 Cheers 🙂 🙂 🙂

  19. Thank you for following my blog. I am so glad that I have found yours. I am looking forward to reading your thoughts and feelings and watching you progress as a writer.

  20. Hi Miss Diane,

    The first step is usually the hardest. Great job. We forward to your post

    Have a Blessed Day,

    Danny & Laura

  21. Janet says:

    Thanks for coming by and liking my blog. It seems like you are on an incredible journey. I look forward to reading more posts.

  22. Dennis says:

    Thanks for following my blog. Let’s keep writing and growing!

  23. oopsjohn says:

    Wow – I am totally impressed by the depth of your answers to your questions! I’m hoping you can really keep this up every day because I am now an avid follower 🙂

    • A New Chapter! says:

      Hi John-With kind words like this I am determined to keep it up. I have been on this amazing journey called life and it gets more and more beautiful everyday. I love the friends that I am making along the way and although we may not meet face to face I do hope we can become friends if even just in the virtual sense. :0)

  24. Diane Enns says:

    You obviously follow a lot of people! Thanks for checking out my blog, Diane. Happy writing!

  25. Cris says:

    Good start, Diane.
    And thanks for following my blog, “Odds and End Thoughts” at

    Feel free to check out my “f-stop fantasy” photo blog as well at

    Thanks and have a great day!

  26. Thanks for subscribing to my blog! Best, Katherine Owen

  27. simonandfinn says:

    I love this entry! If I could add one thing about expression it’s that writing in a sense can provide to readers the best of one’s thinking – kind of nice to have the opportunity. :o)

  28. gigoid says:

    Dianne….glad you enjoyed my blog; it’s always nice to hear from new readers. I’ll be back to see more of yours; I’ve enjoyed what I’ve seen so far. I’m always a big fan of folks who punctuate well. I myself know how to do so, but occasionally get a little too creative about it. Any who, thanks for dropping in, & come back again. Take care out there….

  29. Jeannie says:

    Hi Diane,
    I came by to say thank you for following my blog and to meet you. You are writing about many interesting things I see! Good luck with blog. I’ll be back to visit you again.

  30. Hi Diane – just dropped by to say thanks for the visit and the follow. You’re obviously wrestling with some core questions; I look forward to seeing where your journey takes you…

  31. sed0007 says:

    Thanks, Diane, for your subscription to my blog. Which of the posts within it prompted your decision to follow?

    Scanning your home page piqued my interest, and I will be reading more, as it appears, like me, that you cover a wide range of topics.

    Kudos for your stated goal of a post per day! Good writing to you! Peace!!

  32. nasebohren says:

    salut diane,
    if you don’t mind, i would love to come back here as often i can, cause
    all the best for you from france

    • A New Chapter! says:

      I would love for you to come back as often as you like. If you ever have any questions you think would be good for me to answer let me know. :0) I will definetly be following your blog :0) Nice meeting you new friend :0)

  33. hi dianne, thanks 4 following my blog. hope it continues to interest you. cheers Barb

  34. Jo Blackwell says:

    Hi there, and thanks for the “follow” on project50. Not sure where you are, but I came over the pond to travel in Mississippi, Tennessee and Louisiana in 2008 and just loved it out there. Total culture shock for this English woman, but mostly in a good way. Look forward to reading more of your musings.

  35. EWRoss says:

    Diane, thanks for following my blog. I like your blog,

  36. niken says:

    Hi Diane, thank you for stopping by and following my blog 🙂
    I’ve read some posts on your blog and I like your writing style, especially recent posts about some interesting questions about you and your life (makes me want to do the same! :P).
    I usually post using Indonesian language (yes, I am from Indonesia), so if you are interesting about anything on my country, please let me know and I will try my best to give you the answer. Nice to meet you, Diane 🙂

  37. Waina's Way says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following it I just return the favor!

  38. reeyah says:

    It is nice to “meet” a fellow lover of words. 🙂 I look forward to reading your work. 🙂

  39. Thanks for following us at Queer Landia! We appreciate the support. 🙂

  40. Jaime says:

    Hi Diane, Like others before me, I’m ecstatic that you stumbled across my blog, and decided to follow it because now I know where you “live”. I’m am looking forward to reading your honest words. For someone who loves to write but doesn’t make the time, you are an inspiration.

  41. Thanks for following my main blog – you have a great blog here and a great writing style. Im definitely coming back!

    (PS, I’ve been writing answers to questions I’ve found for nearly four months now in a similar fashion to yourself on my second blog and I just wanted to wish you good luck with it).

  42. judevbarker says:

    I love this! So genuine. Looking forward to reading what you have to say 😀 x

  43. Fun blog! Look forward to reading more of it. Thanks for stopping by so I could find yours!

  44. Hi Diane, I like your free-flowing writing and I will keep coming back to your blog. Thanks for following mine. I am new to the blogosphere and you would know all too well how exciting it feels to get those early followers : )

  45. ay@m says:

    thanks for following my blog, otherwise i wouldn’t have discovered your blog… looking forward to drop by your blog from time to time!

  46. talkingpretty says:

    Hi Diane, thanks for following my blog! It sounds like we write for very similar reasons. Best wishes 🙂

  47. rmk104 says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog. I am going to check out yours, too! Have a great day!

  48. Pleasure to meet you. I look forward to reading your work.

  49. Hi, thanks for stopping by my blog. You have a great blog here and great posts. Keep on writing !! 🙂

  50. masterofmom says:

    Your dog picture delighted me! Looking forward to perusing your blog.

  51. is it original says:

    Enjoyed the blog so far. thanks for sharing…

  52. Writing is that which keeps me moving, living, and smiling.

  53. Lisa Wyatt says:

    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.

  54. Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog and signing up to receive posts.
    My husband’s family came from Upstate NY; his Dad was born in the Watertown – Gouverneur area.

    • Diane :0) says:

      My grandparents lived in Watertown and my aunt and uncle live in Gouverneur. I am from Malone and went to SUNY POtsdam. Small world :0)

  55. I stumbled on your blog and must tell you I am impressed with the young woman you have become. Many never learn that lesson about choosing what is important. I truly enjoyed reading this and I am following your blog.

  56. Thanks for following my blog. I live in a Small town in NY and spent nearly a year down south. Maybe we were neighbors once…:)

  57. Momma E. says:

    Hi Diane –
    Just dropping by to say thank you for checking out my blog and for following me. I started my writing with similar goals, and have not yet found my niche either. I’m having a ball writing though and it seems like you are too! Happy writing! I look forward to reading more of yours, as I’m following you too! Best, Donna

  58. donnierocky says:

    Thanks for stopping y my blog. I appreciate being introduced to yours. Enjoyed the video you posted from the state representative in Washington.

  59. A. C. Baker says:

    Hey! I lived in Kentucky for a while (Hopkinsville). I miss it.

    I so understand your feelings about writing. For the record, I stand behind a pulpit 3 times a week, so I have no problem speaking in front of crowds. I only wish that my spoken words could better reflect the way I write. On the other hand, people don’t judge my grammar as much when I speak. Then, on the third hand (one of mine, plus the monkey’s two), no one hears my accent when I write, do they, y’all? Dad gum it!

  60. lmwills1 says:

    Nice blog!

  61. Leslie Kahn says:

    Hi Diane,
    Thanks for following my blog. I really enjoy writing, as well. I have an adopted son with severe behavior disorder who really stresses me out a lot, so I find writing very cathartic.

  62. Thanks for following my blog! I like this whole Q&A thing you’re doing.

  63. Adnanomatic says:

    Nice to meet you, may i know your twitter? mine @adnanomatic

  64. Thanks so much for following! Yay! 😀

  65. Thank you for following me!

    Have a fab day! 🙂

  66. wendystrohm says:

    Thank you for following my blog. Yours looks great too.
    I am glad you didn’t wait as long as me to explore your talent with the written word!
    Best wishes

  67. chipvc says:

    Love and followed your blog, Diane (~!~)

  68. Thanks for following. Nice blog you have. I have a Facebook friend from your area….Rocky Fretz, piano player. Know him?

  69. Hi Diane,

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I really like the concept you have going on here.

    Sherline 😀

  70. Bobi Robson says:

    Hi Diane,

    Thanks for following thoughtsandworks. I am new to all this ‘blogging’, it has been great to have the opportunity to comment on the world of community art and charities – specifically within London. As well as to be given the opportunity to read the thoughts of others.

    I look forward to reading more from you.

    Thanks again x

  71. gayicon101 says:

    You are so relateable, I find it much easier to express myself through writing too. I gain a feeling of eloquence and competence in my writing which I often feel doesn’t come across in person. Thanks for following. x

  72. scthree says:

    that dog made it impossible NOT to follow this blog. I love him, I love him sooooo much!

  73. russtowne says:

    I enjoy your site and love the photo at the top with the swimming dog. The photo conveys and evokes so much that it is a perfect symbol for your writing!

  74. dreamgolive says:

    Hi there! Love your header photo and your writing… what a great idea to think through a question each day.

  75. thank for the follow I really like your blog its all kinds of cool !!! Ill be back 🙂

  76. Storypiece says:

    What a cool concept for a blog! And way to tackle some challenging topics… it should be a fun year with a ton of great discussion.

  77. Cheryl says:

    Thanks for the ‘follow’, I love your blog, its quite awesome. My Dads family is small town upstate NY, Whitney Point and I’m from Pittsburgh, we moved south when I was young. So I have a bit of a southern accent but the voice in my head is a yankee 🙂
    See you soon. 🙂

  78. limatariq says:

    Thank you Diane for following but I must say it will be a pleasure following you since you have the flow of thoughts coming along on daily basis 🙂 All the best, God bless.

  79. Hi,

    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award as I very much enjoy reading your posts.

    The award is well deserved as you have a great blog and is also, admittedly, a bit of fun.

    Like all these peer nominated awards there several things you have to do if you wish to accept it – details on my blog.

    Very best wishes,


    • Diane :0) says:

      This is awesome. I am definitely going to do this :0) I am at work right now and quite under the weather but I will absolutely take advantage of it this weekend. Thank you so kindly. :0)

  80. thoughtofvg says:

    Your blog was recommended by another blog i follow and i’ve got to say, I love the idea behind it.

  81. Debbi says:

    Hi Diane,
    Thanks so much for following my blog. 33 isn’t old at all. You’re only as old as you feel, anyway. 🙂
    FWIW, I’m a fiction author and I’ve managed to make a living doing what I love self-publishing ebooks. So far. 🙂
    I don’t need to make a million dollars, either. I just want to create stories.
    Follow your passion. Work hard. And never, ever give up.

  82. Hi, just wanted to stop by and say “Thank You” for finding our little family blog and hitting the “Follow” icon. I have been working my way through yours and more than once found myself laughing out loud…thanks for that! We’ll be following to see what you’re up to next!

  83. Marti Parham says:

    Hiya Diane!
    Thanks for following http://www.martiink.wordpress.com! I look forward to communicating with you.

  84. Molly Shrews says:

    Hi Diane!
    Thanks for following lovewell-livewell.com! Love the concept for this blog. Following you on twitter, too!

  85. Jodi Lea says:

    Thanks for stopping by Not Pretending (to be sane), and wanting more of it 😉 I will be stopping by here, that’s for sure!

  86. inguita says:

    Thank you for Following my blog Diane! I loved how you wrote about yourself, and look forward to reading more of your writing!
    Best wishes, Inga

  87. chiaink says:

    Hi Diane. Thank you for stopping by today and following my blog. Hopefully the interval between posts will not always be quite so long. Cheers and have a wonderful weekend.

  88. Gboi says:

    Gee thanks… (“,) hope you enjoy some of my mundane works… ;p looking forward to reading more of your works…

  89. GJ Scobie says:

    Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog I look forward to keeping up with yours. Have a good weekend 🙂

  90. admin says:

    Diane, reading your About Me page, and many of the comments in response, shows me that many of us share the need to communicate and to be understood, and that we feel the greatest comfort in written expression. That’s enlightening. Thank you for the follow on my blog. I look forward to reading more from you, too!

  91. Thank you so much for subscribing to my blog! Having just read some of your work…I feel so humbled! Thank you and I will follow you from here as well so I can continue to read your works as they emerge! All the best to you and yours, Lorelei

  92. Jessica Paul says:

    Thank you for stumbling onto my little corner and the follow!

  93. LivE says:

    thanks for following my blog – i am thrilled that you love the written word too! 🙂

  94. thej85 says:

    Wow Diane, your questions and answers are great…I am amazed that you have the time to follow all these blogs! You must never sleep! Thank you for adding mine to the list!

  95. What a wonderful day today is!

    Not only do I have a new follower (you!), but your blogs are amazingly great too …. so I now am also a new follower (of your blog!). Win! Win!

  96. omwa ombara says:

    Thanks Diane for stopping by and for following my blog. Deeply appreciated.

  97. M.K. Hajdin says:

    What you said about being able to think better in the silence rang true for me. I’m not very comfortable socializing with people in real life, but the internet makes it much easier. We are doomed to be misunderstood by the extrovert-oriented rest of the world, I fear.

  98. Thanks so much for the follow! I am so happy to have discovered your blog-keep writing!

  99. David Jones says:

    Glad I found your blog. That’s me, I do better expressing my self in words than i do vocally. I love to write and spend a lot of my time each day either deep in my books or in the blogs, face book or twitter. Life is good when I am there.

  100. I think you and I could be besties! Its great to know you aren’t alone and that someone else is thinking just like you.
    Thanks for that!

  101. Kay Rice says:

    Thank you for following my trail of ‘Scribbles’….

  102. I would first like to thank you for following me at Tsuki no Saru. If not for you finding me I would have never found you. I am filled with joy as I make my way through your blog/life and look very much so forward to your future. But a question does pop-up in my mind. Do you really find my blog interesting? And thank you once again, and I look forward to reading more from you. Enjoy 🙂

  103. James says:

    Hi Diane,

    I’m glad our paths crossed, I’m looking forward to getting to know you better.


  104. cileartist says:

    I will be looking forward to your posts. Thank you for noticing mine. The dog picture is so great.

  105. I’m so happy to have a wordpress, allowing like-minded people to connect. I feel similarly to you, writing your thoughts down is a much easier way to get those feelings out. Great header picture too haha. Looking forwards to reading your posts!

  106. Well I for one am happy that you’re writing because you do a darned good job! Love the header picture too. It’s a classic. 😀

  107. Hey you fabulous you! You are nominated for the Academy Award Winning Writers Association for…drumroll…The Most Versatile! The Academy would like to thank you for your unending/unwavering awesomeness from yours truly @ Random Acts. Don’t forget me in your acceptance speech! Kiss, kiss, hugs all around!

  108. Mark says:

    Thanks for finding me and joining my blog! I look forward to reading the answers to all your questions!


  109. totomorrow says:

    Thank you for following my blog. You got a great idea for your 365 days project!!! I will be back for more great reads! Keep it up! 🙂

  110. Hi, Dane. Great to read “About Me” ( i mean “You”) here and see who’s visied Views from the Edge. I’m always curious how people happen to come to the blog. Also, where did you live in Northern NY? I served as campus minister in Canton, NY long time ago.

  111. Korlis says:

    A person once told me about the chinese proverb “A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.” and then added “Sing your song and it will help who it helps. It can’t be anything more or less than what it is.” It seems you would very much agree on this, and I think it is a good thing 🙂

  112. ayasonice says:

    Hi Diane, you have a great blog. I’ll definitely take the time to read more as time goes by. Thanks for visiting mine so that I could find you 🙂

  113. SkiDaddy says:

    Hey Diane, thanks for “following” my blog, I hope I can bring something to your day.
    Take care,

  114. riz says:

    Haloooow! Thanks for subscribing to my blog! Hope to check out the posts you have here in a bit! 😀 Be blessed!

  115. sorealtonight says:

    Thank you for finding me! You have some wonderful stuff on here! Glad to be here. 🙂

  116. Just wanted to take a minute and thank you for visiting me, I am so happy to have you…look forward to learning more about you…
    peace to you

  117. Aaron says:

    Thanks for following my blog! I really do like yours!

  118. kathrynwdennett says:

    Thank you so much for following my blog! I feel the same way about feeling more comfortable with myself written down. I can’t wait to read more of your posts.

  119. Kit says:

    Hey thanks for viewing my site 🙂

  120. Thank you Diane for stopping by.

  121. Thank you for following Storyteller. A few pictures a day always help me to clear the cobwebs. — Ray

  122. shula says:

    thank you for following my blog 🙂

  123. Thank you for following my blog! – MFBC

  124. ksoranna says:

    Thanks for supporting my blog. I wanted to come by and return the favor. I love your concept of answering a different question every day…very original!

  125. Denny says:

    Thanks for finding my blog … I’ve been able to read some of your posts and they are fabulous! I am in awe of your writing skills and your ability to write every day about issues that are so important to you. You make yourself vulnerable, yet you are so strong. Congratulations!

  126. Salutations Diane! … Thank you for visiting and following me at “Poet’s Paddock.” … Forsooth, a writer must write, share an opinion, have a voice. Enjoy the journey! … See you anon … Shakespeare “The Equine.”

  127. riz says:

    Thank you for subscribing to my wp blog. 🙂
    I can relate with your post here. 😀 I wish that my friends would read my blogs too because I feel that if they don’t, they’re missing out a lot on the most important things happening in my life at the moment.
    I hope you find the truth you’re seeking as you write along… 😉

  128. elenaramirez says:

    Hi Diane, thanks for stopping by my blog: Scripture Food for Thought….Praying it blesses. May the dear Lord, bless you.

  129. russelllindsey says:

    You might as well have described me as well. I’m so glad I found your blog!


  130. Great blog! I love your use of negative space…www.tresorsdeluxe.wordpress.com

  131. Quite simply put…. LOVE ❤ Thanks.

  132. Nigel says:

    hey diane. you sure have one very interesting concept for your blog. I have one question that i would like to ask:

    how would you imagine yourself in 7 years? (when you’re 40)

  133. illusionofnormalcy says:

    I just took a quick look around and I really like the premise of your blog. I can’t imagine how you stumbled onto my blog, but I’m glad you did! I too find it easier to communicate in writing. I often want to avoid direct interaction with people because of my illness.

    Asking questions is always fruitful. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll get some interesting feedback!

  134. merlinx9 says:

    Great concept! Thanks for popping by my blog as well, cheers!


  135. 1812 says:

    Cool blog! I’ll have to come back when I have more time.

    Thank you for following http://cadmefoghlamthainniu.wordpress.com/


  136. jmmelican says:


    Great concept with the questions a day. There’s some thought-provoking stuff and your response are always so open and honest.

  137. Lynne Ayers says:

    I too love to write – started with dear diary oh so many years ago. I am not one who can think on my feet – I can get tongue-tied and lose my thought. But give me paper and pen, or keyboard, and the words flow so easily.

  138. Wow, looks like your blog is taking off! I just started blogging earlier this year, hard work, but addictive and fun! Thanks for following my blog, by the way. Hey, it led me here! You have an interesting concept for a blog. I’m looking forward to following your work!
    Continued success!
    -The Real Ken Jones

  139. Jutta says:

    Thanks for stopping by and following my blog.
    A question a day – actually I’ve been doing the same thing since 09/18/2011, only not in a blog, writing my thoughts down just for myself. Isn’t that a funny coincidence? I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts. All the best, Jutta

  140. SIJO JOSEPH says:

    Thank you for stopping by and the follow. You are having a unique writing stile and a lovely blog. Keep on writing.

  141. Jane says:

    thanks so much for following my blog. Hope you find my posts inspirational, or informative, or just nice. I will be checking out yours as well which seems to alot to offer. Thanks for bringing me here
    with love light and JOY

  142. Thank you for subscribing to my blog Diane. I look forward to reading yours as well.

  143. Wendy says:

    Thanks for following my blog, somethinghigher.wordpress.com.
    I’ve really loved reading your posts as well. It’s amazing how putting your thoughts to paper can help you think things through and give others insight too. I look forward to reading your posts in the future.

  144. Hello, I want to thank you for visiting my blog, especially for following. I look forward to exploring yours as well. Love to you, Linda

  145. Hi There. 🙂 A special thanks to visit and follow my blog. I see you write on interesting topics. Will love to express more. 🙂 Keep on writing.

  146. Laura says:

    Thank you for the follow! Yours looks wonderful. Always happy to meet a fellow writer!

  147. Laura says:

    Hello! Thank you for the follow. Always happy to meet a fellow writer. Your blog looks wonderful, by the way! I look forward to reading it. 🙂

  148. Letice says:

    Wow, all of you who know how to wright cannot even start to imagine how much I envy you. I am creative and my imagination runs 100 miles an hour but I cannot put on paper what my thoughts are. I can entertain a full event center but as soon as I have to write things down I am lost. I have great business ideas and instinct but a letter to a business partner is pure hell. Thank god I have a loving hubby who can help me in some occasions but I don’t see him wright about pregnancy, kids or anything related to that. So if you come across my blog be generous and forgiving. Be thankful for your gift, use and enjoy it as much as you can.

  149. Hi Diane, Thanks for visiting and following the PCA blog, it is appreciated. I wish you luck with the real estate lady. Continued success with your blog and work, Jay

  150. Janna Noelle says:

    Hi Diane,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for subscribing. I admire anyone who has the stamina to blog every day, and you are tackling some interesting questions here. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you to make it to December 31!

  151. CJ says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow/like! I am glad it brought me back to your blog…which is really enjoyable to read!!! Keep up the awesome work!!

  152. What a fantastic idea for a blog! I’m looking forward to reading all of your questions.

  153. friedapaula says:

    You are my #1 follower – as in, the first and only 😉 thanks a bunch!

  154. Hello Diane,
    Thanks for the following
    And am glad you stop by
    I too better express to written words
    Will follow
    All the best, Jenny

  155. Stef says:

    Diane, you are the very first person to follow my newest blog (http://threedailydelights.wordpress.com/) – wow! I just got it established yesterday; so cool to already have someone interested in it. 🙂 Thanks for your encouraging support – I appreciate it!

  156. Thank you for following my blog, because it brought me to yours and it’s a brilliant concept!! xx

  157. samahj says:

    Thanks for following blog. Your site is great,

  158. armyveteran says:

    You wrote: “My mind is like a speeding train and I try to slow it down as often as I can so I don’t miss the world around me.”

    This description fits me to a tee! It is amazing to find another with a mind going at warp speed who likes to write. Sometimes I cannot get my mind to stop, and it keeps me awake all night. It is on those occasions I come up with some of my better work. I know, where is it?..lol

    I am looking forward to reading your blog!



  159. aimsphotos says:

    Thanks for following my blog! 🙂 I had fun peeking around yours, I’m sure I’ll be back (soon!) 🙂

  160. In the spirit of the true blogging world, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. To view al nominees and comments please go to http://heartwhispers.co.uk/2012/04/15/oh-my-i-am-blessed-versatile-blogger-award/. Thank you for your part in inspiring me to continue on my journey!

    Love, light and peace

  161. Tina says:

    Hi Diane, thanks for following my blog. What a great idea; question a day. You are a prolific writer!

  162. Seeking Joyful Simplicity says:

    Oh yes, writing can be therapy…good to know there are a few of us who find joy in this outlet.

  163. Seeking Joyful Simplicity says:

    I’m glad to meet you! It’s good to know there are a few of us who find comfort in our writing.

  164. Hi Diane. Reading your post made me feel like I was listening to myself, so much in common. Thank you for stopping by my blog, i appreciate it.

  165. Hi Diane. I like your blog, and I appreciate your following mine, especially as it is so new and I’m still working out the kinks. I’d appreciate any comments you might have on format, content, etc., as I’m very much a learner and looking to others’ feedback and examples to help my work improve.

  166. SL Johnson says:

    Thanks for following my blog, Diane! I am enjoying reading yours!

  167. Mandi says:

    Hi!! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. So much so that I would like to award you with a Liebster Blog Award!
    You can read more about it here: http://outofsightonmymind.wordpress.com/2012/04/22/the-liebster-award/

  168. alundeberg says:

    Well, to answer today’s question: French fries, Peace Like A River, Harry Truman, Michigan are all some of my favorite things. Thanks for following my blog!

  169. oakworld says:

    Thanks Diane for the follow.It is very valuable to OAK which is a ‘New Kid On The Blog’.

  170. Vicky Newham says:

    Hi Diane. Thanks for following my blog (“I may well be wrong but…”) and for taking the time to read some of my posts. I’ve just had a read of some of yours, and very much like the way you write. It’s very natural and full of the energy you describe. If you like writing, you might enjoy my other blog which has some poems and short pieces of flash fiction. It’s here: http://vickynewham.wordpress.com/ Warm wishes from the UK. Vicky

  171. Thankyou very much for following my blog and I hope that my art can satisfy you.

  172. Pingback: A Game of Tag | My Life Uncut…Almost

  173. Anne Sikes says:

    Hello Diane! I have tagged you in a game on here…looked like fun! There’s no rush or pressure, but I hope you’ll play along. http://mylifeuncutalmost.wordpress.com/2012/04/23/a-game-of-tag/ And I hope you have a blessed week ahead too! 🙂

  174. Thank you for visiting Gods Healing Plants. Great reading about yourself and that you are getting acclimatized to the south. Come by and visit us again. Blessings.

  175. Thank you for visitin God’s Healing Plants. I enjoyed reading about you. Glad you are sort of acclimatizing yourself to the south. Come and visit us again when you can. Blessings.

  176. Hello Diane, Very nice project!

  177. deeproets says:

    Hi Diane! Thanks for the follow. I hear myself a bit in your writing, I look forward to reading some of your posts 🙂

  178. KateR says:

    Hi Diane,
    I’m not sure how you found me, but I’m glad you did! Your blog is really interesting. I particularly liked reading through some of your posts about being single and waiting for the right one. I’m so glad I did! He was absolutely worth the wait!! 🙂
    Just wondering what your interest in bilingualism is?
    Kate @ German in the Afternoon

  179. thanks for dropping by and following bsidesdesign. your doggie header is just darling(: i can’t wait to dig in and read more of your great posts!

  180. I feel exactly the same way. The only difference is that I do tend to get muddled as I get to know people. It can take me a while to make new friends.

    Thank you for being so open and honest. It’s good to know there’s others like me out there.

  181. alundeberg says:

    Hi there! I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award! Enjoy! Check it out at http://readncook.wordpress.com/2012/04/27/a-good-day-made-better/

  182. chris9911 says:

    I know you got plenty of these so think of it as an honorable mention 🙂

    The versatile blogger award

  183. kellynyoder says:

    Thanks for following my blog! I can relate to what you say about expressing your thoughts through writing (I’ve always been that way too). I’m pretty new to blogging and I love the fact that there’s a sense of community among writers – at least that’s my opinion – which offers one the opportunity to take part in the expression of different prespective and ideas. Thanks for supporting my blog through following and I will support your written expression of ideas through following you!

  184. hodgepodge4thesoul says:

    You are a very interesting person, Diane 🙂 I understand what you mean by being known through your writing. Thank you for visiting and for the follow because I wouldn’t have found yours. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I will get back to reading more of what you have to say 🙂


  185. Hey, thanks for reading my blog! I haven’t found my niche in writing but I do love to write and I tend to explain things better on paper (or blogs) then when i try to explain something in real life. Keep up with the questions, they’re really a good read!

  186. Jeff Shone says:

    Thank-you for following my Blog Dianne, I like your writting and this post sounds like it was written about me! I will follow you with interest. Keep on trucking!

  187. rickjo1 says:

    Hi Diane
    Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and follow me. I hope you won’t get tired my eclectic ramblings.
    I look forward to reading your tales.


  188. BlackMettle says:

    Hi Diane, Thank you for following my blog! I like the concept for yours, asking the right questions is the key to life.

    Best wishes,

  189. azleader says:

    Like you, I’m more comfortable behind a screen and more articulate behind the written word than I ever am in person.

  190. Jan says:

    Love this!

  191. merri says:

    Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog..yours looks wonderful….have added you to my list! 🙂

  192. This is a great concept for a blog! Keep writing!

  193. Othman Bouharrat says:

    Very much thanks for following me! Nice if your mind is like a speeding train, because as far as I can see you attract many people to get in that train:-)!!

    Good luck with writing!

  194. Thank you Diane.
    So you went from up North to down South. Don’t worry about the culture shock. It will be coming to you as a good thing in the long run. Believe me, I know. I am from Manhattan Beach CA who moved to Anchorage, AK then to Las Vegas NV, then Cherry Hill NJ to Seattle, WA to Vancouver BC and back to Washington. All that in 35 years. You know what? The travel and the moving from one place to another gives you the experience and the wisdom about different people, different culture, different food, different life… and it will all come together and be shown the world through your writings.
    Keep going…I will be following you.
    God bless.

  195. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the follow! I’m anxious to read your posts, as well!

  196. enayi says:

    nice blog of yours!:) thanks for visiting my blog!:)

  197. Miss M says:

    http://missmjp.wordpress.com I nominated you for versatile blogger award….thank you

  198. inmyopinion1 says:

    Thanks for following my blog. I didn’t think anyone would follow it. I’m super excited. I’m now going to stalk yours 🙂

  199. I absolutely adore your header graphic. Dogs are the best thing that ever happened to people (though I’m also quite partial to technology). =)

  200. I absolutely love the underwater doggy pic on your blog! It gave me a big smile, thank you!


  201. Coming East says:

    I know what you mean about culture shock. We moved to San Antonio from the Northeast. That was actually not as much of a culture shock as moving to Virginia, believe it or not. San Antonio is much more cosmopolitan than Virginia Beach. I get so sick of being referred to as a damn Yankee. I see you are the same age as my youngest child. I like your format of answering questions. Maybe I’ll think of one or two to send to you along the way. I look forward to reading your answers and discovering more about you.

  202. Todd Lohenry says:

    Nice blog! Keep it coming…

  203. Wow! Couldn’t have said it better myself! I can definately relate.

  204. Sara says:

    Beautifully written blog. Thank you for stopping by mine! 🙂

  205. Yatin says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and introducing me to your wonderful blog 🙂

  206. WoW!!!!!! I am sorry, that I couldn’t find any better fitting word for your blogs… They are too good… Continue the Gr8 writing work…

  207. Thank you so much for the like on my ppost and for following my blog..and ya your blog is very awesome..and i liked it…its lovely…thank you once again..and please do come by…

  208. seekingcat says:

    I’m ever so glad I found this blog. What a fine gift you have.

  209. It is amazing to read your blog… I am awaiting more work from you…

  210. Taylor says:

    Thanks for the follow! I love your “question” idea and look forward to reading your blog!

  211. The Pal Guy says:

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I hope to read more of your writing.

  212. HI Diane, thanks for dropping by and I found the latest post really interesting – is there really a difference between right / wrong? I had an argument on this ages ago but I’ll leave it to next time – good read there, thanks for sharing! 🙂

  213. I share your idea about sharing with others. Even when I have paid writing work sometimes I prefer to work on something for myself instead – just loving the process of writing a piece that is meaningful to you is what writing is all about.

  214. Diane, thank you for following my blog. I’ve been reading yours, and it seems we think a lot alike (though I have more definite political opinions, I think 😉 ). I’m looking forward to reading more of your opinions.

  215. Sara says:

    Hello, I just want to let you know that I’ve nominated you for a blogger award! Check it out at www.http://celtichippie.wordpress.com/. Here are the rules for receiving the award: (1) thank the blogger who nominated you (2) include the links to their blogs, (3) include the award image in your post, (4) copy the award image to your site, (5) give seven random facts about yourself, (6) nominate 15 other bloggers for the award, (7) when nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites, and (7) let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated.

  216. Hamza says:

    Thank you for following my Blog. Will keep an eye on yours too!

  217. I’m really impressed with your ‘critical thinking’ skills and your wisdom and objectivity, especially considering your age. (I’m 70) And bravo to you, if you manage to get some people thinking more clearly or considering a different point of view. For me, that is real ‘morality’.

  218. My Tropical Home says:

    Hi Diane,

    Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

    I like the Question a Day theme you have. I’m a Christian – not perfect but trying my best – and, believe it or not :-), according to the Bible, asking questions and searching things out are the “glory of kings” (that means us humans) and something that actually delights God.

    I am so glad that you have this theme. I will definitely be visiting your blog again.

    Best regards,

  219. Hi Diane … I really like your blog … thank you for visiting my humble blog … Have A Great Day!

  220. Ginger says:

    Thanks for dropping by my blog today and following! It was a nice surprise. I have enjoyed browsing your writings and seeing where they lead my own thoughts. Your sentiment regarding how you express your yourself in writing is so true for me as well. I look forward to reading what you write in the days to come.

  221. Crystal says:

    Hi there!

    Thanks for dropping by and follow! Hopefully you will find my blog interesting =)
    I like your idea of day___ and question___
    its awesome!


  222. Ibukun says:

    Oh this is beautiful 🙂 keep writing, Diane

  223. Mother says:

    Great photo too. Thanks for following me.

  224. Abby Rae says:

    Showing some SUNSHINE to your site!! You are an excellent writer~ LOVE reading your posts!!
    I nominated you for the Sunshine Award!

    Rules for the Sunshine Award:
    Link the award to the person who gave it to you.
    Answer the questions that come with it.
    Pass it along to 10 people and let them know they have received it.
    Favorite Color
    Favorite Animal
    Favorite number
    Favorite Non-alcoholic drink
    Facebook or Twitter
    My Passion
    Prefer getting or giving presents
    Favorite pattern
    Favorite Day of the Week
    Favorite Flower

  225. brahmineyes says:

    Hi Diane. Thanks for visiting my blogsite and for liking my post. More power to you!

  226. offdadome says:

    thank you for visiting my space here, I can definitely relate to your love affair with words, look forward to reading your ‘stuff’ 🙂

  227. Katrina says:

    I’ve nominated you for awards, check out my recent blog and enjoy!

  228. southernwild says:

    I nominated you for the Beautiful Blogger Award! Please visit http://southern-wild.com/2012/06/09/a-truely-blessed-honor/ to see your nomination and provisions of this award! Thank you!

  229. sherrylcook says:

    Beautiful Blog! Thanks for the follow, I am now following you as well. Happy reading…..and writing!

  230. Nativegrl77 says:

    Thanks for the follow … i def will be back !!!

  231. fsszj says:

    Hey, I nominated you for One Lovely blog award! Check out my blog for more information.

  232. Thanks for the follow!

  233. amb says:

    Hi there! I’m so glad that you started following my blog, because I might not have come across yours otherwise! I love your concept of answering a question a day and might tackle a similar project one day. Keep up the great work!

  234. Glad to have been introduced to you (virtually)! Check this out – http://lifestyledezine.com/2012/05/30/write-yourself-a-masterpiece/ … I believe you will enjoy. Peace and Blessings

  235. Andrew Brobyn says:

    Thanks for following me Diane, check out my older work, it’s (to my mind) more inspired.

  236. ©@t says:

    Thanks for the follow, Diane. You have a good blog, here.

  237. vimal says:

    lovely thoughts 🙂

  238. hi diane, thanks for the follow. I love the idea of the blog- completely original and surprising, thanks for bringing me to it.

  239. Hi, Thanks for following. I love as many have already said, the layout of your blog, If I can write my thoughts with as much clarity and conviction as your own posts, I will do myself proud. Amazing.

  240. domtakis says:

    I find that if I am put on the spot, often the way I answer someone’s question has more to do with my relationship to the person asking than anything else. How I truly feel often emerges slowly and after much quiet time. I like the spontaneity of first thought but the true nature of things, in my opinion, can be more fleeting and elusive. Thanks for getting me to think of this!

  241. abetterstory says:

    Thank you for the follow, Diane! 😀

  242. Thanks for stopping by and for the follow.

  243. alundeberg says:

    Hi there, I have nominated you for the Illuminating Blogger award! You can view your nomination at http://readncook.wordpress.com/2012/07/03/if-you-want-something-done-give-it-to-a-busy-person/. Congrats and keep writing!

  244. Hi Diane, thank you for finding and following my blog – looking at yours I feel honoured that you find it interesting; Your blog is well structured, well written and most importantly – inspiring! Rachelle

  245. aquacompass7 says:

    From Japan. Thank you for visiting and following my blog. I cannot speak English well、but tried to following with your blog.

  246. counselforliving says:

    Hi Diane,

    Thanks for following my blog. I’m looking forward to your daily answers to random questions….interesting 🙂

  247. Alison says:

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I’m looking forward to reading more of yours.

  248. andriayiasmin says:

    Thank you for following my blog! I love the content of yours:)

  249. lynnwyvill says:

    Hi Diane,

    Thanks for following my blog. I’m looking forward to reading your blog. What a great idea to answer a question for each post!

  250. bikermonkey says:

    Thank you for following BikerMonkeyBlog! We greatly appreciate the support. Look forward to following you and your blog as well!

  251. pennycoho says:

    Well spoken Diane thank you for dropping by to view my words and follow. I look forward to making a new friend who enjoys the written word as much as I.

  252. menhir1 says:

    Goodness, what a lot of replies and here is another! Sometimes the pen is mightier (and easier ) to wield than the sword (i.e. spontaneous chat). Thanks for following my blog 🙂

  253. Glor says:

    Hello Diane! Thank you for visiting and following our blog! I love your about page, great to e-meet you! Like you, I like writing about all sorts of things. I just don’t understand why we geniuses have to pick a niche, can’t people just listen as fast as our brain works? Ugh! Anyway, consider me a follower. xo Glor

  254. Kiran John says:

    Your Blogs found to be interesting..carry on the good job..

  255. YES. This is it. You’ve more than just hit the nail on the head; you’ve hit it so hard no tool of man could possible remove it.

    Trying to express myself through words just doesn’t work. I get muddled. I don’t have any time to just sit and mull things over while the other person taps their foot waiting for a response.

    But writing, well that’s different. Having some good music turned on, comfortably seated in your chair (though I’ve been known to pace quite a bit when I write), hands poised on the keys. That’s where I belong. I have all the time in the world to formulate my thoughts and can attempt to express them in a way that’s engaging.

    I feel I must thank you for following me, and thus letting me share your perspectives by reading this blog.

    The internet can be a wonderful place, you know?

  256. Sandy Sue says:

    Diane, thanks so much for visiting my site and deciding to follow along. I look forward to exploring here.

  257. Wow – I loved this post. I exactly duplicate what you are saying. Ditto!!! What is it about us writers. It is an amazing thing – like we all share the same reality – that unbelievable passionate urge to communicate via the written word. I know exactly what you mean. When I write – it is me – that passionate, creative person who feels liberated with the written word. And like you I can totally communicate verbally but it is like writing really puts the full conceptual understanding there of what you are trying to say. Great words of wisdom. Thanks for checking out my blog and I’d love to follow yours.

  258. Vishnu says:

    I was wondering how can you think and make up this much points for questions each day ! Great job , Love your blog 🙂
    Best wishes . . .

  259. capelesst says:

    Thanks for following my blog, I appreciate it. I really like your About Me page, and your question per day aim, can I submit a question? “If you could only write one more post ever, what would it be about?”.

  260. Thank you for following me, I love what you’re doing with this blog! Off to read more now. 🙂

  261. Hi…I wanted to let you know I like your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award. No worries if you don’t like participating in awards. Thank you!

    Versatile Blogger, Say What… (Updated)

  262. Hi, We really enjoy following your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. If you would like to accept, please stop by http://rezichfamilykitchen.wordpress.com/ for the details. Take care….Nancy

  263. write whats on your mind…in your heart….what you find passion in……express yourself…leave a little blood on every page…..fear derivation….and remember there is no guarantee of satisfaction….we each take a different road

  264. Hi there- I nominated you for the Inspiring Blog Award! If you want to participate, you can check out my post here and follow the steps. http://pattytmitchell.com/2012/08/08/inspiring-blog-award/

  265. irishkatie says:

    Okay … your banner….the little pupper swimming. I WANT HIM. *smiles*

  266. Hi Diane,

    It’s nice to meet you and thank you so much for following my blog. I hope you continue to enjoy my poetry, as well! I will follow you, too, and look forward to your many stories! Take care, Lauren

  267. By the way, I LOVE your banner! We are a dog family and currently have a chocolate lab, Copper, that we adopted 4 months ago. He’s 22 months now…anyway, your doggie is adorable! 🙂

  268. patgarcia says:

    thanks for visiting my blog. I have just read your about and see that you and I are very similar. I look forward to reading what you write.

  269. You set out to answer questions – I set out to ask them!
    I did want to be rich and famous when I was eight years old.

  270. Diane, thanks for subscribing to Home’s Cool! Hope you enjoy the input! 🙂

  271. ifragrance says:

    Thank you for following my blog. Your blog is so interesting, will surely be visiting again soon 🙂

  272. SaRawr says:

    Thanks so much for the follow!
    I’m really looking forward to reading about all of your stories and posts. Ive read a few already and I’m really enjoying the questions a day!

  273. “Don’t get me wrong, I can hold my own in vocal words but I have realized I am able to express myself when I am surrounded by silence or have soft tranquil music playing in the background.”— This is so beautiful Diane, thanks for putting words to how I often feel

  274. nishanil says:

    I could not believe “I don’t need to be rich or famous” by an American, Diane Owens!!!

  275. Hi hon! I nominated you for the Thought Provoking Blog Award. Check my blog if you choose to accept. 🙂

  276. I nominated you for a bunch of awards, check it out here: http://wp.me/p20576-1b8

  277. Timbo says:

    Hi Diane, I saw you started following my blog… I’ve been reading yours for a while and I love it 🙂 very original, witty and disarming. Keep up the awesome writing! x T.

  278. ataraxiphile says:

    Hey! I’ve nominated you for the ‘One Lovely Blog’ Award. Here’s the link to all the nitty-gritties involved! All the best, yo! http://ataraxiphilia.wordpress.com/2012/09/22/and-the-award-goes-to/

  279. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoy reading yours.

  280. You have a huge following…what are your secrets (besides great writing)?

  281. Leigh says:

    I love the concept of answering a question a day! Brilliance.

  282. Thanks for following my blog!!!

  283. tiffany says:

    thanks for the follow! i’m from upstate NY as well and have moved 9-10 hrs. south (depending on traffic) 😀

  284. Thanks for following my blog! I look forward to reading more about the land down under. 🙂

  285. juliasgems says:

    What a great concept! I really like the questions forum, it really allows you to explore yourself and others by just asking a simple question. Love it, very glad I found your blog 🙂

  286. Laudable values. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself.

    Jamie Dedes

  287. Lichtbender says:

    You have a gift, Diane. It is so nice to see you using it so well. I just love your blog. Thanks for spreading your light into this world 😉

  288. sharichelle says:

    Hi, Diane. You’re such a gifted writer, with a profound outlook on life. Thanks for visiting and following my humble blog. Looking forward to reading many more of yours! 🙂

  289. Roacilynn says:

    I really like your blog :O)

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